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Finance Automation

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2023 Client Net Promoter Score
Download this overview to learn what our clients are saying in our NPS Survey.
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Conversation Hijacking: A Growing Threat to Accounts Payable
Download this overview to learn how to identify Conversation Hijacking attempts and keep your accounts payable department safe.
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How Paymerang Solves Major Pain Points Faced by Businesses
Download the one-pager to how Paymerang's cloud-based platform solves the major pain points faced by finance teams across industries.
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3 Ways to Reduce Costs in Your Accounts Payable Office
Download the article to learn three ways automation technology can reduce costs for Accounts Payable departments and help grow the bottom line.
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Four Steps to Successfully Streamline Your Accounting Office
Download the article to learn four ways to streamline your business processes for maximum accounts payable efficiency.
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The Time to Automate Your Healthcare Accounts Payable is Now
Slow processing times, manual reconciliation, and staff turnover are frustrations faced by many Healthcare finance departments. Learn why AP Automation has become an essential part of an efficient finance department by downloading our article.
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Paymerang Continues Rapid Growth in the Healthcare Vertical
Paymerang’s growth in healthcare has established it as a leading provider of Accounts Payable automation for healthcare providers.
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How Automation Helps Manufacturing Accounts Payable Departments Manage Labor Shortages, Attract New Hires, and Retain Workers
Learn how redefining traditional workflows with automation and cloud technology can safeguard finance teams from scrambling to hire for positions that are currently difficult to fill.
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3 Types of Fraud Attempts and How to Identify Them
Learn 3 types of fraud attempts and how to identify them by downloading our guide.
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5 Ways Manufacturers Gain Efficiency with Payment Automation
There's never been a better time to embrace automation! Learn 5 ways manufacturers gain efficiency with Payment Automation.
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